P.O. Box 17145 Pittsburgh, PA 15235



Home / Committees


Legislative / Advocacy Committee
Nominating Committee
Education Committee
Poster Competition Committee
Techni-bowl Committee
Student Leadership Development
Conference Committee
Marketing Committee
Scholarship Committee
Student Committee

Members of the Legislative/Advocacy Committee

Susan Wertz – Chair

Rebecca Hickman

Christine Eckenrod

Julie Taddeo

Sharon Miller

Larry (Max) Maxwell

Kelly Beadle

Janice Van Dolsen

Nathan Bayless

Jalen Seyler

Lisa Dostick

Sheryl Goss

Elizabeth Eslich

Elaine Halesey

Janice VanDolen

Philip Butchko

Maria Messner

Nominating committee members

Dr. Felicia Holliday – Chair

Rebecca Hickman

Education Committee

Christine Eckenrod – Chair

Dave Romo
Mentor for the ASRT 

Rebecca Hickman

Elizabeth Sasser

Lisa Dostick

Poster Competition Committee

Felicia Holliday – Chair

Rebecca Hickman

Paula Scaramuzzino

Karen Williamson

Learn More about the Poster Competition

Techni-bowl Committee

Christine Eckenrod – Chair

Rebecca Hickman

Elizabeth Sasser

Benjamin Sasser

Kelly Beadle

Student Leadership Development Program – PSRT program expanded from the ASRT SLDP

Rebecca Hickman – Chair

Christine Eckenrod

Julie Taddeo

Larry (Max) Maxwell

Sharon Miller

Kelly Beadle

Maria Messner

Lisa Finnegan

Jalen Seyler

Conference Committee
Annual Conference and State Meeting

Committee Members

Rebecca Hickman – Chair

Chris Eckenrod

Sharon Miller

Julie Taddeo

Larry (Max) Maxwell

Kelly Beadle

Jalen Seyler

Susan Wertz

Antonia Desin

Holly Mihaly

Lois Shaffer

Ben Sasser

Marketing Committee
Website, Social Media, Mobile App

Susan Wertz – Co-Chair

Christine Eckenrod – Co-Chair

Rebecca Hickman

Benjamin Sasser

Sue MacIntyre

Lisa Dostick

Holly Mihaly

Scholarship Committee

Sharon Miler – Chair

Rebecca Hickman

Christine Eckenrod

Antonia Desin

Lorraine Zelna

Majorie Sawyer

Maria Messner

Karen Williamson

Gina Bupp

Lisa Finnegan

Student Committee
(Newly being formed)

Jalen Seyler – Chair

Christine Eckenrod – Co-Chair

Elisabeth Shaffer – Tech Intern

Scotty Murphy – Student Intern

Kaleb Repp – Student Intern

Kianna Rizzo – Student Intern

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