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Home / Legislative Call to Action

Legislative Call to Action


Legislative Call to Action

Senate Bill 1281 has been introduced and referred to the Consumer Protection & Professional Licensure Committee. We need all hands on deck to get this passed!! Let your voice be heard:


Help get the bill through the committee by contacting members of the Consumer Protection & Professional Licensure Committee through this Link  https://www.legis.state.pa.us/cfdocs/cteeInfo/Index.cfm?Code=7&CteeBody=S


You can send an email to your senators through the ASRT https://votervoice.net/ASRT/Campaigns/97202/Respond – let them know that you support this bill and ask them to do so as well!
Follow the progress of the bill by visiting the tracking page : Bill Information – Senate Bill 1281; Regular Session 2023-2024 – PA General Assembly (state.pa.us)

If you are not familiar with the language of S.B. 1281, Here is the link to the bill language: btCheck.cfm (state.pa.us)

We cannot do this alone!!  We need your help now!

Please contact the senators on the state licensing committee – you can find their information at :https://www.legis.state.pa.us/cfdocs/cteeInfo/Index.cfm?Code=7&CteeBody=S
Click on the senators link, you will see icons for various ways to reach them under their picture.  For some  you may need to go to their website to find an email contact form. Most are on social media (linked In, X, Facebook) – get the word out that you support licensure for medical imaging and radiation therapists!!!

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