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Home / Deborah Greer M.Ed., R.T., (R) (M)

Deborah Greer M.Ed., R.T., (R) (M)


Deborah Greer M.Ed., R.T., (R) (M)

My name is Deborah Greer and I have been a radiologic technologist for almost forty years. I have been employed as a radiographer and mammographer for approximately twenty-four years, a cardiovascular technologist in the electrophysiology lab for a year and a half, and for the last fourteen years I have been an instructor in the field of radiography. It is very rewarding to have the opportunity to teach individuals the art and science of radiography which is a field that I have had a passion for the last forty years. Digital radiographic imaging is in the forefront of topics that require much discussion on
a regular basis as technology is extremely dynamic. The terminology, principles and concepts associated with digital radiographic imaging will be discussed today as well as what may be on the horizon for digital radiographic imaging moving forward.

Digital Image Production in Radiography- Outline

1. Compare and contrast the various methods of radiographic image acquisition.
a. Conventional Radiography
b. Computed Radiography
c. Direct Radiography (Direct and Indirect)
2. Describe the dynamics associated with image production in digital imaging.
a. Advancing technologies
3. Explain the terminology associated with image production in digital imaging.
a. Matrix
b. Pixel
c. Pixel Pitch
d. Bit Depth
e. Spatial Resolution
f. Signal To Noise Ratio
g. Contrast Resolution
h. Distortion
i. Dynamic Range
j. Lattitude
k. Latent Image
l. Manifest Image
m. Fill Factor
n. Gray Scale
o. Brightness
p. Receptor Exposure
q. Contrast
r. mAs
s. kVp
t. OID
u. SID
v. Beam Restriction
w. Field of view
x. Exposure Index
y. Deviation Index
z. Focal Spot
aa. Grids
4. Compare and contrast various digital radiographic imaging equipment.
a. Computed Radiography Equipment
i. Photostimulable Phosphor Plate
ii. Computed Radiography Reader
iii. Analog to Digital Convertor
iv. Digital to Analog Convertor

v. Detector Element
vi. Look Up Table
vii. Histogram
b. Digital (Direct and Indirect) Radiography Equipment
i. Flat Panel Detector
ii. Analog to Digital Convertor
iii. Digital to Analog Convertor
iv. Thin Film Transistor
v. Detector Element
vi. Amorphous Silicon
vii. Amorphous Selenium
viii. Look Up Table
ix. Histogram
x. Charged Couple Device
5. Discuss the best practices necessary to produce the optimal digital radiographic image while
maintaining the lowest possible patient radiation dose.
a. Technical Factors
b. Positioning
c. Shielding
d. Avoidance of Artifacts
6. Explore new trends in image production in digital imaging.
a. Artificial Intelligence

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2023 PSRT Fall Conference

November 11, 2023

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