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Jen Fadden BSRSA, R.T. (R)(ARRT)


Jen Fadden BSRSA, R.T. (R)(ARRT)

Introduction to Intra-Operative Imaging Using a C-arm

  1. About me
  2. Sterility/dress code/behavior in OR
  3. C-arm machine- features, buttons, movements, and guides
  4. Maintaining sterility with c-arm drape/sterile vs. non-sterile areas
  5. Swinging lateral and the need for another drape on the tube side
  6. Ways to initiate fluoro (i.e. yellow button, foot pedal, handswitch)
  7. Control panel of c-arm and description of functions of each button
  8. Orthopedic surgery
  9. ORIF Hip example with images
  10. ORIF Ankle example with images
  11. ORIF Shoulder example with images
  12. ORIF Femur with distal targeting device/”perfect circles” technique with images
  13. Spine surgery.
  14. Common types of spine surgeries (i.e. laminectomy, discectomy, fusion)
  15. Spine anatomy with labels (cervical, thoracic, and lumbar)
  16. Verbiage used in spine surgery when moving the C-arm (canting the c-arm, wig-wag, rainbow)
  17. Our role as Rad Techs when performing specific spine surgeries
  18. Finding the landmark for confirmation of level (ex: Lumbar laminectomy – need to see L5-S1 spot AND spinal needle to confirm level)
  19. ACDF, PCDF, ALIF, TLIF, Lateral Interbody Fusion, Kyphoplasty, SI Joint Fusion images with guidance on how to obtain a diagnostic image
  20. Vascular Surgery
  21. Images and examples of types of vascular surgeries
  22. Utilizing roadmapping and masking during intra-operative imaging
  23. Explanation of how these functions work and our role as Rad Techs during these types of surgeries
  24. Cystograms/Retrograde Pyelograms/Antegrade Urograms/PCNLs
  25. Relevant anatomy of the GU system
  26. What a Rad Tech can expect to see/role they play during these cases
  27. Closing statement

Presentation Objectives: (After the presentation, the attendees should be able to…) (Required for ASRT CE credit approval)

-Attendees will be able to summarize what is expected of them in their role as radiographers working in an OR

-Attendees will acquire an understanding of sterility concepts and how it correlates with safe operation of the C-arm as it relates to infection control

– Attendees will gain a general understanding of the workings of a C-arm and its related functions, capabilities, and movements

– Attendees will be capable of identifying the types of surgeries performed in different specialties and how Radiographers play a central role in each

Speaker Events

2023 PSRT Fall Conference

November 11, 2023

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