Home / Jen Fadden BSRSA, R.T. (R)(ARRT)
Jen Fadden BSRSA, R.T. (R)(ARRT)
Jen Fadden BSRSA, R.T. (R)(ARRT)
Introduction to Intra-Operative Imaging Using a C-arm
- About me
- Sterility/dress code/behavior in OR
- C-arm machine- features, buttons, movements, and guides
- Maintaining sterility with c-arm drape/sterile vs. non-sterile areas
- Swinging lateral and the need for another drape on the tube side
- Ways to initiate fluoro (i.e. yellow button, foot pedal, handswitch)
- Control panel of c-arm and description of functions of each button
- Orthopedic surgery
- ORIF Hip example with images
- ORIF Ankle example with images
- ORIF Shoulder example with images
- ORIF Femur with distal targeting device/”perfect circles” technique with images
- Spine surgery.
- Common types of spine surgeries (i.e. laminectomy, discectomy, fusion)
- Spine anatomy with labels (cervical, thoracic, and lumbar)
- Verbiage used in spine surgery when moving the C-arm (canting the c-arm, wig-wag, rainbow)
- Our role as Rad Techs when performing specific spine surgeries
- Finding the landmark for confirmation of level (ex: Lumbar laminectomy – need to see L5-S1 spot AND spinal needle to confirm level)
- ACDF, PCDF, ALIF, TLIF, Lateral Interbody Fusion, Kyphoplasty, SI Joint Fusion images with guidance on how to obtain a diagnostic image
- Vascular Surgery
- Images and examples of types of vascular surgeries
- Utilizing roadmapping and masking during intra-operative imaging
- Explanation of how these functions work and our role as Rad Techs during these types of surgeries
- Cystograms/Retrograde Pyelograms/Antegrade Urograms/PCNLs
- Relevant anatomy of the GU system
- What a Rad Tech can expect to see/role they play during these cases
- Closing statement
Presentation Objectives: (After the presentation, the attendees should be able to…) (Required for ASRT CE credit approval)
-Attendees will be able to summarize what is expected of them in their role as radiographers working in an OR
-Attendees will acquire an understanding of sterility concepts and how it correlates with safe operation of the C-arm as it relates to infection control
– Attendees will gain a general understanding of the workings of a C-arm and its related functions, capabilities, and movements
– Attendees will be capable of identifying the types of surgeries performed in different specialties and how Radiographers play a central role in each
Speaker Events
2023 PSRT Fall Conference
November 11, 2023