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Home / 2023 PSRT Fall Conference

2023 PSRT Fall Conference


2023 PSRT Fall Conference

Free to Members!
Harcum College in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania
Starts: Nov-11

The Pennsylvania Society of Radiological Technologists (PSRT) typically holds an annual Fall Conference, which is a professional event for radiological technologists and healthcare professionals. While the specific details may vary from year to year, here is a general summary of what you might expect from an average PSRT Fall Conference:

  1. Educational Sessions: The conference usually features a series of educational sessions, workshops, and presentations covering various topics related to radiological technology, medical imaging, patient care, and healthcare advancements. These sessions are designed to provide attendees with the latest knowledge and skills in their field.
  2. Expert Speakers: Conferences often invite guest speakers who are experts in radiological technology and related areas. These speakers may share their insights, research findings, and experiences with attendees.
  3. Networking Opportunities: Attendees have the chance to network with fellow radiological technologists, healthcare professionals, and industry representatives. Networking can lead to valuable connections and opportunities for collaboration.
  4. Vendor Exhibits: There are typically vendor exhibits or a trade show area where companies and organizations showcase the latest equipment, technology, and services relevant to radiological technology and healthcare.
  5. Continuing Education Credits: Many PSRT Fall Conferences offer opportunities for attendees to earn continuing education credits, which are often required for maintaining professional certifications and licenses.
  6. Social Events: Some conferences include social events, such as receptions, dinners, or social hours, where attendees can relax and socialize with colleagues.
  7. Updates on Industry Trends: The conference may include sessions or discussions on current trends, challenges, and developments in the field of radiological technology and healthcare.
  8. Awards and Recognition: PSRT may use the conference as an occasion to recognize outstanding contributions and achievements within the radiological technology community.

Please note that the specific details and themes of each PSRT Fall Conference may vary from year to year, so it’s advisable to check the official PSRT website or contact the organization for information on a particular year’s conference.

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